Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still Here!

I'm still here and planning to make several posts soon.

I've just been so tired the past couple of weeks, I haven't had any energy to even write a post.

I have several posts I want to do, if I can just remember them when I sit down to type! 

Just wanted you to know, that we're doing well, just busy and tired (well, I'm the only one tired!).  Kory told me last night she wishes she could give me some of her energy.  Oh boy, so do I!!!

I'm heading to a Women's Conference this weekend with my dear friend GC.  I'm so excited to get to spend some girl time with GC and BC praising and worshipping God.  I went to this conference last year and was so uplifted afterward.  I've been looking forward to it all year!

Hope to catch up soon.  Happy *almost* weekend to everyone!

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