Monday, November 23, 2015

Story #1

Although this is story #1, it's not the beginning...

Along this journey we've been on the past couple of months, we've met many people. I love to get to know them & listen to their stories, although my heart always aches at some point for what they're going through or have been through. Sometimes when you're in the middle of the journey, it's hard to reflect & see something positive. As I listen to new friends' stories I try to point out the blessings & provisions of God I hear. I love to share our story & point those same blessings & provisions out. As Eric & I reflect, we're constantly in awe of how God's stepping stones have been laid for us...I'll post about that another time. 

On the day of Kip's surgery, we were blessed to have close to 30 people gather with us throughout the day in the waiting room. So many brought snacks for us to share and we enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship and reflection over the course of the 8ish hours we were waiting. Eric & I are so thankful for all those that sat with us that day. The conversations and love made a very difficult day a little bit lighter. 

At the end of surgery, when Dr. Weprin, our neurosurgeon, took Eric & I to a consultation room to fill us in on the surgery, I think the waiting room was silent as our 20ish friends & family anxiously awaited our return to the waiting room with the report. As soon as Eric & I walked back into the waiting room I announced "He's breathing on his own!"  We all celebrated & embraced with tears of joy streaming down our faces. We circled up and had a prayer right then  thanking God for His faithfulness of seeing Kip safely through surgery. 

As we finished up our prayer I noticed someone from our group was talking with a gentleman. The next thing I knew, we were circled up again in prayer for his son that was currently in surgery. 

A little bit later, I met the man we'd just prayed for. His name was James and he and his mother & one son were there waiting while his older son was in surgery. His son, James II, had broken his leg and through that they'd discovered he had lymphoma...cancer. My heart went out to him. Here we were celebrating our blessings while he was facing what could be a life or death situation with his son. The most wonderful thing though is that he was joyous for us. He and his mother both were so thrilled for the news we'd received. 

Over the course of the next couple of days, our family discussed James & his family, wondered how James II was doing & what was next for them. My sister put together a basket for them & brought it to the hospital in hopes we'd find them or at least be able to have it delivered. One afternoon my mom happened to see James wheeling his son down the hall. She got his attention and they visited, then she brought him to see us & meet Kip and got his basket to him. The next several days at the hospital were busy so I wasn't able to contact him again. 

Today, a little over 2 weeks since we transferred from Children's to the rehab facility, we had our follow up appt with Dr. Weprin. He, like everyone else, is thrilled & impressed with Kip's healing & progress. We will have an MRI at the end of February and see him the following week. He took time today to show Kip his X-rays with his plates & screws in his neck. Then he showed Kip some models of spines, heads, & brains. Kip was impressed by it all. I'm thinking we may have a future medical professional on our hands. He insists on medical terms rather than 'baby slang'. A doctor asked him the other day if she could see the "boo boo" on his neck. He replied, "It's called an incision."  During occupational therapy, he's been having electrical stimulation to aid his left wrist. They call it "tickles" to all the kids. Kip calls it "e stim" like the adults do. Lol. Anyway, he was enthralled & listened intently as Dr. Weprin spoke to him. 

Back to James...

Today when we got to Dr. Weprin's office, the tech brought Kip a gift bag. It was from James and his family!  Imagine how shocked & touched we were!  I immediately sent a text updating him on Kip & thanked him for the gift & asked how they're doing. Later when he replied, he told me that they're doing great and the best part...NO CANCER!!!!  There was evidently a misdiagnosis...or maybe, just a miracle.  ☺️

One of my favorite songs right now is 'My Story' by Big Daddy Weave. I tried to link it here but had technical difficulties. If you don't know it, look it up...We all have a story, but mine is because of His story...

B :)

Pictured: My little story loving, superhero acting boy trying out his soon to be new wheels. But as he'll tell you, he won't be needing it for long because he's going to be walking soon. 😜

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