Kip decided to party through the night. After going to bed a little after 9pm, he woke up at midnight. Now everyone knows he's not a great sleeper, so when he woke up, it wasn't anything unusual. But, after going through our normal routine, he was not going back to sleep. So I rocked, patted etc. for about an hour trying to determine if his mouth/ears/tummy were bothering him. He started fussing and seemed hungry so I offered him chicken to which he replied his adorable, "ok." (If you've heard it, you know how precious it is). Anyway, after eating some of his chicken, he agreed to go to sleep. But something just kept bothering him....he was NOT going to sleep. Finally at 3:30, yes, 3 1/2 hours after waking up, I was losing my patience and getting a headache. I needed help so I called in back up, aka Eric. Kip didn't approve of this and let us know, plus Eric was suffering from a sore throat. Sooooo, we all three ended up in the living room with Dino Dan on Nick, jr., Kip talking like crazy/dancing/ jumping/laughing, and Eric and I on the couches trying to doze while supervising ;). Kip of course noticed the second I closed my eyes and would quickly address me with, "mommy, patty cake, mommy, poke (hokey pokey), mommy..."
How long did this party last you ask? Well finally a little after 5AM, Kip agreed he was ready to sleep. Oh, he must have zonked out, right??? Nope! He slept fitfully til about 7ish, then crankily got up for the day around 10:45. After a fussy start to the morning, we headed to the church building to work on my classroom, where he had off and on spells of playing well and fussy-mommy-must-hold-me-and-no-one-else-should-look-at-me-touch-me-or-speak-to-me fits. On our way home he did ZONK out. Of course, it's really too late for a long nap so I took the long way home and now I'm sitting in the car blogging before I wake him up.
Ok, I guess it's time now...wish me luck!
Bucky's Birth Story
10 years ago
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